Mikama - Mar 9, 2018

Fano Deraniaina dans Madagascar Tribune
Avec l’appui de plusieurs partenaires, les locaux de la maison digitale sont équipés d’ordinateurs, d’une dizaine de tablettes, de casques, d’un vidéo projecteur, d’une imprimante et d’une multitude d’accessoires informatiques. Les kits informatiques permettront aux bénéficiaires de s’approprier des outils informatiques, et de suivre plus aisément tous les modules de formation disponibles dans le centre. Couture, informatique bureautique, gestion commerciale voire cours d’alphabétisation pour les illettrées, sont des exemples de formation que les femmes peuvent y poursuivre. L’objectif est de permettre à des femmes et jeunes filles, la maitrise d’une ou de plusieurs de ces activités...  On dénombre actuellement dix-sept maisons digitales éparpillées dans le pays. Elles ont déjà formées environ six cent femmes. La création de ces maisons digitales est le fruit de partenariat entre plusieurs entités telles que la commune urbaine d’Antananarivo (CUA), Orange Solidarité Madagascar, l’Association Féminine pour l’Hygiène Sociale, l’Association Ezaka ou encore l’ONG C for C.

Dans Relief Web
.. Sitraka is stunted and does not go to school. “Sitraka speaks but his sentences are incoherent, and he is not yet fully independent,”... Sitraka is suffering from chronic malnutrition, a silent yet deadly disease affecting 47 percent of children under five in Madagascar, which has the fourth highest chronic malnutrition rate in the world. And yet, this disease has myriad consequences that persist into adulthood and adversely affect the future of an entire country, starting with its economic prospects. In Madagascar, the estimated annual cost of malnutrition is between 7 and 12 percent of GDP. (..) Approved in 2012 when Madagascar was mired in a full-blown social and political crisis, the five-year Emergency Support to Critical Education, Health and Nutrition Services Project  (PAUSENS) established community nutrition sites, drawing on existing clinics. These community nutrition sites have helped the program increase the number of systematic household visits conducted by nutrition agents and distribution of nutritional supplements for children and pregnant and breastfeeding women.  Training to develop agricultural and livestock farming activities and cooking skills to improve the quality of meals and food security in homes has been provided to over 23,000 vulnerable households. With the help of this program, more than 425,000 children under the age of two have benefited from improved nutrition, and over 515,000 children between the ages of two and five years are regularly monitored at community nutrition sites, with particular attention being paid to their weight and mid-upper arm circumference. In addition, over 3,500 community nutrition workers have received appropriate training in health and nutrition

Dans Phys Org
They interviewed people in several villages in the country to ascertain how many were involved in the legal trade in animals. They found around 13% of households they surveyed were engaged in live animal collection - usually reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. From this they earnt an average of $100 per season. This accounted for a quarter of their yearly income.

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