Mikama - Sep 4, 2017

Research by an EPFL PhD student has found a way to boost Madagascar's corn crop yields up to five times while decreasing deforestation at the same time. (..) After developing and testing her method in 2014 and 2015, she was able to boost crop yields by a factor of five relative to traditional farming methods. The corn she planted grew to be 240 cm tall versus 140 cm with the traditional method, and the harvest had more and better-quality ears. Her crop yields might have been even higher if it wasn't for a cyclone that hit the island in 2015.
"Not many farmers know about combining ashes and compost," says Gay-des-Combes.

Dans Relief Web
The humanitarian situation in southern Madagascar has improved markedly since March 2017, due to better rainfall and major humanitarian response. However, a quarter of all people in eight affected districts - more than 400,000 - remain in Crisis and Emergency (IPC phases 3 and 4) . Global acute malnutrition rates remain above the alert level of 10 per cent in 5 districts.

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