Mikama - Aug 16, 2017

Riana R dans NewsMada
La création d’entreprises formelles au niveau national est en baisse de 37% durant les six premiers mois de cette année par rapport à l’année précédente sur la même période, rapporte l’ Institut national de la statistique (Instat) dans le dernier numéro du Tableau de bord économique. 5 827 établissements formels ont été créés entre janvier et juin 2017, contre 9 255 en 2016 sur la même période. (..) Dans la foulée, une baisse de 23,2% a été constatée concernant la création d’entreprises individuelles, avec un effectif de 8 250 durant le premier semestre 2016, pour descendre au nombre de 5 081 sur la même période en 2017.

Dans Middle East North Africa Financial Network
Madagascar, considered one of the top global , recently the island's protected area network from 1.7 million hectares to 6 million hectares. This covers 10% of the country's total land area. Although the state has claimed ownership of these lands since colonial times, they are often the customary lands of local communities whose livelihoods are deeply entwined with forest use. The clearance of forests for cultivation has traditionally provided access to fertile soils for millions of small farmers in the tropics. Conservation restrictions obviously affect them negatively. (..) We to estimate the local welfare costs of conservation in the eastern rainforests of #Madagascar using innovative multi-disciplinary methods which included qualitative as well as quantitative data. We asked local people to trade off access to forests for swidden agriulture (land cleared for cultivation by slashing and burning vegetation) with compensation schemes such as cash payments or support for improved rice farming. (..) We therefore argue that securing local tenure may be an essential part of social safeguards for conservation models like REDD (Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation). It could also have the added benefit of helping to reduce poverty.

Dans Proactive Investors
In Madagascar, Bushveld’s acquisition of Lemur Resources brought with it the Imaloto coal deposit with a Chinese partner, Sinohydro, now on board. A feasibility study will assess an initial 60Mw independent power producer (IPP) coal power plant and associated 200 kilometre transmission line in southern Madagascar. Coal fuel for the power station will be provided from Lemur's coal mining permit area in Madagascar. Sinohydro will prepare the bankable study at its own cost within 12 months of signing the MoU.

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