Mikama - Oct 17, 2017

Dans NPR
In Madagascar the change is forcing dramatic cutbacks by the largest provider of long-term contraception in the country, the British nonprofit Marie Stopes International. Nearly half of Marie Stopes funding in Madagascar, millions of dollars a year, had been coming from USAID. In Madagascar, Marie Stopes does not provide abortions because abortion is illegal in the country. But the parent organization in London refuses to renounce abortion as part of reproductive health services in some of its operations in other parts of the world. The loss of USAID funding has forced Marie Stopes to shut down a voucher program in Madagascar that allowed low-income women to get contraceptives for free at private clinics. And by the end of the year, it's planning to wind down 21 of its 22 mobile contraception clinics, which were funded entirely by USAID. (..) Razafinasoa says the loss of U.S. funding means that hundreds of thousands of women in this country of 25 million people will lose access to contraception. And they will also lose the care that the group provides for women who defy the law and have illegal abortions. "We are providing post-abortion care," she says. "We are providing post-abortion family planning." Razafinasoa pauses. She shakes her head as if she still can't really believe these cuts are happening. "It will be a disaster," she says.

Riana R. dans NewsMada
Alors qu’en 2009 les dépenses liées aux secteurs sociaux  à Madagascar se sont élevées à 6,9% du PIB National, durant la Transition, elles ont chuté de moitié jusqu’à 3,7% du PIB. Une amélioration a été constatée depuis la Quatrième République. Selon la répartition des financements du Programme d’investissement public (PIP) dans la Loi de finance rectificative (LFR) 2016,  14,4% du PIP du pays porte sur  les projets sociaux, concernant notamment l’accès à l’eau potable, la santé, l’éducation, la protection sociale et la nutrition. Cette part des secteurs sociaux dans le PIP est ensuite passée à 17,6% dans la Loi de finances initiale (LFI) 2017. Par ailleurs, 77% du budget alloué au secteur social proviennent des aides et des financements des Partenaires techniques et financiers (PTF) du pays, la part de l’Etat s’élève à 23% du budget total consacré à ce secteur.

Dans NewsMada
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