Mikama - Apr 25, 2018

Dans Mail and Guardian
 Currently, more than 10 000 people are held in pre-trial detention in Madagascar, and the prisons hold twice more people than what their capacity can handle.  The first prison I visited in person was Antanimora, the most populous jail in the country, in the capital, Antananarivo. The sense of overcrowding, and the lack of resources available to prisoners and staff is immediately apparent. The prison is supposed to house 800 prisoners, but, when we visited, there were 3300 prisoners sharing the space. Over half of those were pretrial detainees. There is no separation between pretrial and convicted prisoners, in violation of international standards. Those accused of petty crimes such as cell phone theft spend their days and nights in the company of convicted murderers.

Mirana Ihariliva dans L'Express de Madagascar
Le plus grand port commercial de Mada­gascar qui assure 75% des marchandises domestiques et 90% des marchandises internationales. Il sera le point de rencontre de l’économie africaine et asiatique. Le Japon devient le premier bailleur bilatéral de Mada­gascar au vu du financement alloué dans ce projet : 639 millions de dollars, dont 411 millions de dollars financés par l’agence japonaise de coopération internationale (JICA). « Le projet le plus ambitieux de Madagascar depuis son indépendance », reconnaît l’ambassadeur du Japon, Ichiro Ogasawara. Le projet d’extension vise à tripler sa capacité d’ici 2024

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