Mikama - July 11, 2017

Garry Fabrice Ranaivoson  dans L'Express de Madagascar
L’organisation internationale déplore une déliquescence du respect des droits humains à Madagascar. Dans un rapport présenté au CDH, le respect du droit à la vie, à la liberté et à la sécurité des personnes est épinglé. (..) Concernant la liberté d’expression, les affres imposées par le code de la communication et la loi sur la cybercriminalité sur le quotidien des journalistes, défenseurs des droits humains, lanceurs d’alerte et simples citoyens non complaisants sont, une nouvelle fois, pointées du doigt. (..) Rapportant un point d’une recommandation générale du Comité pour l’élimination de la discrimination à l’égard des femmes, en date de 1999, Amnesty international épouse l’idée que la pénalisation de l’avortement est « discriminatoire ».

Dans Independent Australia
In the impoverished nation of Madagascar, both human trafficking and sex tourism run rife. In cases where there are few other opportunities for survival, women and girls, including children, become involved with prostitution. (..) The sex tourists, who are predominantly older French males, are obvious. They saunter through the town centre with a sense of arrogance and entitlement, many with girls less than half their age. Fernindand, a young Malagasy man working in my hotel, says that the problem in Madagascar with prostitution is that there is so much poverty:  "The problem is the poverty. Customers can just pay the police and they won’t do anything."

Dans The Guardian
A Malagasy farmer who says he and his neighbours have lost access to their land because of the UK mining company Rio Tinto has been blocked from visiting London, where he had been due to address the firm’s annual general meeting. Athanase Monja planned to speak at the firm’s AGM on 12 April, but was refused a visa by the Home Office. Monja, a subsistence farmer, fisherman and first assistant to the mayor in his town of Antsontso, was told by British officials he had a “lack of qualification” to speak about environmental and human rights concerns. (..) The mine was billed as a future model for responsible mining, but campaigners say it has had a devastating impact on the environment and community. QMM, which is the local Rio Tinto subsidiary, uses a controversial biodiversity offsetting scheme that pledges to counteract environmental damage by protecting other areas. (..) Rio Tinto said ... “During the active mining phase of a project such as QMM, we work to rehabilitate and restore the mine site as the project progresses. At QMM, we conduct afforestation, agricultural projects and forest restoration on mined lands to balance the economic needs of host communities with the conservation of a biologically diverse habitat. The biodiversity offset sites that are supported by QMM were all existing Madagascar government-designated protected areas.”


20142015 2016(p)2017 (p)
Croissance PIB (%)3,33,02,93,3
Inflation (moyenne annuelle)6,17,47,26,9
Solde budgétaire / PIB (%)-2,3-4,0-3,9-4,4
Solde courant / PIB (%)-4,4-4,8-3,9-3,5
Dette publique / PIB (%)34,735,638,743,2

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